Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ah, Success...

It worked!!! :) Maddie went down at 9:30 as told, and she slept all the way until 6:30!! I was a little worried that her going to bed a bit earlier might throw off her nap schedule during the day, but she did just fine at all her naps! YAY!! Incredible--and tonight we did the same thing, so we're crossing our fingers for another good night (I'm always a little skeptical after just ONE night--once it's been three nights in a row, then I start to believe. lol). Now the only problem is--when i'm up for a whole hour once she's down, I freaking miss her!!! It's weird being up with her not with me, but at the same time the time I get to spend with Spencer is most welcome. I feel it's still important to strengthen the marriage relationship, even if we only get an hour a day alone together.

Thanks, Alicia, for the gift idea. It's always nice to find cute (but easy on the wallet) gift ideas. :) We'll definitely be taking some pictures and putting them in frames. Like you said, grandparents ALWAYS love pictures.

Just wanted to update everyone on our scheduling success!!! Sweet dreams...

1 comment:

Gloria said...

You're such a great momma!! :) AND I hope the 9:30pm bedtime will keep working good! :)