Saturday, September 25, 2010


How is is that you can be sooo tired that you're practically nodding off in whatever position you're in....but when you hit your pillow, you are wide awake and cannot turn your brain off? It seems in that moment all of the world's problems hit you like a ton of bricks and you feel you must resolve each and every issue before sleeping. And even if you WANT to sleep and try multiple times to turn over or to adjust your covers, pajamas, and pillows, sleep just won't come.

At this point, I had no other choice than to take a Tylenol PM as I have been awake now for 2 1/2 hours just tossing and turning (Poor Spencer..i'm sure his sleep isn't restful either with me being so fidgety). Hopefully this helps as I will have to be up in 6 hours! And let me tell you...I'm quite grumpy when I haven't gotten at least 8 hours.

Bring it! If you won't come sleep, then i'll make the most of it. Heck, Spencer might even wake up to a spotless home, with even nook and crannies sparkling. Eh, I think i'm getting ahead of myself...I AM too tired for that. So Law & Order, I'll settle for you. Which brings up another thought provoking question--how come Dish Network has NOTHING on at 1:30 a.m.?


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