Sunday, October 4, 2009

I AM a disciple of Christ

This post is specifically meant for me to share my thoughts and feelings about General Conference this weekend. I soooo look forward to October and April so that I can hear the messages of the apostles and prophets. And then when it's over I have mixed feelings--I feel the need and desire to try a little hard, to be a little better. But at the same time, I yearn to hear and be close to these great, humble men. Two days of inspired sermons is never enough!!

This conference seemed to be centered on the topics of love. Many of the apostles spoke of the importance of loving one another as Christ loves us. And although this topic seems obvious, I find myself knowing that I could do more to improve myself in this area. There were two specific talks, however, that shook my Spirit into wanting to be completely devoted to my Savior, Jesus Christ.

Dieter F. Uchtdorf talked on the importance of becoming true disciples of Jesus Christ. How do we become devoted disciples? Christ himself told us how: "If ye love me, keep my commandments." And when Christ was asked which commandment was most important of all--Love God. And the second? Love others as thyself. LOVE should be at the center of our lives! It makes sense that when we are completely and utterly devoted to God, of course we will want to obey and make Him happy. What we love determines what we do, think, act, & even determines who we are. I love God and my Savior, Jesus Christ, with all my heart, might, mind, and soul and want nothing more than to emulate him in every word and deed. When people listen to or see me, I want them to know of my complete devotion to Him, and I want my actions to reflect my inner beliefs and feelings. I know I need to work a little harder at this. I'm not perfect, but I want to strive to be more like Christ is. His ENTIRE life was devoted to the service to others. His sacrifice for us in the Garden of Gethsemane and then his ultimate sacrifice of giving His own life that we might live with Him again shows how much he truly loves us all. As I think about my own willingness to do as He did, I know I fall short. I know that I can in no way live a perfect, sinless life. And that is why I am also so grateful for the opportunity Christ's sacrifices give me to repent of my sins and continue to try to do all I can to serve Him.

And Jeffrey R. Holland...there are never words to describe his powerful testimony of the Savior. I can only allow those who have not heard his powerful witness the opportunity to hear it for himself/herself (thanks to someone who quickly put these on youtube)

Part I:
Part II:

I, too add my testimony to that of Jeffrey R. Holland's. The Book of Mormon is another testamant of Jesus Christ and only stands as more proof that He lived and loves all. As discussed by Jeffrey Holland, we love and revere the Bible as well; the two are in accordance with one another and stand together as a testimony of Christ's divinity and mission on the earth. I have read this book for myself and feel that my testimony and understanding of my Savior has increased and strengthened as I have read these pages. As I have prayed to know of its truthfulness, I have received a powerful witness that it is true and that men will come closer to God by reading for themselves. The power of revelation is NOT shut to us. God spoke to prophets of old (Abraham, Moses, Peter) as he STILL speaks. Why would God speak to those of other dispensations only to shut His mouth to us? Why would God elect prophets to lead and guide only a few only to leave us in the dark now with no way of communication or direction? Christ HAS a prophet in these latter days as He did in the days of Abraham or Moses. He continues to speak and give directions to prophets today and I am so grateful to have this knowledge. God is the SAME yesterday, today and tomorrow. If He and remains the same, then why would he change His modes of communication? I invite all to learn for himself/herself about the Love of God in allowing us to have modern day prophets and personal revelation to know for ourselves what is right and true. I'm so grateful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and to know that my Heavenly Father KNOWS me and he LOVES me depsite all my weaknesses and shortcomings. I know that I CAN return to live with Him again one day and am grateful for the teachings of the Gospel. Without them, I would be lost. Without them, I would not know the purpose or meaning of life. And WITH them, I have full purpose and confidence in my role as a disciple of Christ.


megan b. said...

i love love loved conference. and am so glad i checked your blog. i have been waiting for the family updates. looks like you guys are doing well!

Jennifer Rose said...

Hey Erin- I hope you don't mind that I just found your blog from facebook. How are you? I feel bad that we live so close yet never see each other?!? Thanks for your testimony about conference. It is always strengthening for me to hear the testimony of others.