Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

Happy Labor Day!! :) Today was a really relaxing day, and for the most part my emotions were in check. My parents-in-law left today which made me sad because it once again reminded me that real life is knocking on my door. Tomorrow I start work tomorrow...for real. But I feel that this time i'm a bit more equipped to deal with the change. I HAVE to be ready to go back because I don't think they'll give me two more weeks leniency. But this weekend was a great last "hoorah." All the in-laws were up helping Kelli and Andi move. Kelli is literally around the corner from us and is actually living in our old apartment. And Andi is not too far from us either--she'll be living with her cousin in South Jordan which is about 30 minutes away. So all of Spencer's siblings are living close by (C.J., Spencer's brother, is about 5 blocks away as well). It was fun to hang out with them this weekend, especially because it kept my mind off of the dreaded day of going back to work. But I just have to keep telling myself that it'll be okay. It's temporary for the next year and a half and I'll still get to be with her a lot during the day. PLUS, i'm literally seconds away from her if I feel the need to come home and visit for a minute. It seems the more I repeat these things to myself, the more it helps me feel peace. It also helps that both family and friends are supporting me in this decision and are willing to help at a moment's notice. Anyhow, it's about time for Maddie's feeding and bedtime, so i'll go for now. Adieu...

1 comment:

Gloria said...

Yes, I read your blog! I'm soo happy you have one, so now I can be even more up-to-date with the happenings :) I love you! You're doing great!