Monday, August 25, 2008

Madisen Brooke Empey

After two years of being married, Spencer and I welcomed our new little bundle of joy into the world. Madisen Brooke Empey was born on June 17, 2008, and what an entrance she made!!! About a week before my due date, we found out that "Maddie", as we lovingly call her, was breach and would not be delivered vaginally. Thus, we made preparations for a scheduled C-Section to take place about a week later. We were so excited to meet her, and having a scheduled C-section took the guesswork out of when she would come--this was quite a blessing for me because my biggest weakness is impatience--this way, I knew exactly when she would be arriving. At 11:33 a.m. Maddie's first cries were heard by both mom and dad who couldn't hold back their own tears. During my pregnancy, many people told me how our lives would change with that first little cry, but I didn't quite understand what they meant until it happened. The minute she was born, we began living (and worrying) for someone else. As the nurses took Madisen away to get cleaned off, measured, etc., all I did was worry about her and what was happening. To ease my worries, Spencer followed Madisen and never left her side. He took more pictures of this new baby than I have EVER seen before. And she has changed our lives completely, but in a good way! :) Aside from the sleepless nights we encountered during the first month (she's sleeping through the nights now at 2 months, thank heavens), we have loved every bit of the parenting journey thus far. Her bright eyes, little coos, and smiles are enough to warm our hearts for a lifetime. After praying for guidance, both Spencer and I knew it was time to expand our family, and the Lord blessed us with such an agreeable, beautiful girl. We are so fortunate to have little Maddie in our lives and even now we can't imagine life without her. Yes, there are rough times ahead as she grows up, but we're excited to be together as a family. :)

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